Quotes for Friday from Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

Today's quotes, like the quotes for the past two or three weeks, comes exclusively from one book. In Wuthering Heights I never liked ANY character and I would tell of it when I feature the book. That book covered every vice I can think of: jealousy, greed, covetousness, murder and more. 

Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves.
Ellen Dean Page 67

A person who has not done one half his day's work by ten o'clock, runs a chance of leaving the other half undone.
Ellen Dean Page 73

Well I won't repeat my offer of a wife; it is as bad as offering Satan a lost soul. Your bliss lies, like his, in inflicting misery.
Catherine Linton (or Earnshaw) Page 138

The mild and generous are only more justly selfish than the domineering.
Ellen Dean Page 112

Treachery and violence are spears pointed at both ends: they wound those who resort to them, worse than their enemies.
Isabella Linton (Mrs. Heathcliff) Page 216

Treachery and violence are a just return for treachery and violence.
Hindley Earnshaw Page 217

Good words. But deeds must prove it also; and after he is well, remember you don't forget resolutions formed in the our of fear.
Ellen Dean Page 286

A guest that is safe from repeating his visit can generally be made welcome.
Heathcliff Page 374


  1. I haven't read Wuthering Heights since I was a kid, Nana, but I will be looking forward to your review of it since I don't remember it as being the "masterpiece" that most people in the blogosphere seem to make it out to be. Am interested to see if you disliked it or merely didn't like any of the characters. Cheers!

  2. @Richard, "masterpiece", it's not. Perhaps when they do they refer to the way the narrative was structured. May be on Wednesday I would let you know.

  3. This story is such a brilliant romantic work; filled with love, romance, deception and heartache. What I loved most was how Heathcliffs love never faded, that was so romantic. Though the novel may be tragic, the way the author ties up the fate of all the characters is fantastic, and the reader is not left pondering the fates of any, not even the everlasting love of Heathcliff and Catherine.

    1. But don't you think that Heathcliff's love for Catherine drove him to do all those 'evil' things he did? Love should not morphed into absolute hatred when it is unfulfiled.


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